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New Year’s Resolutions: 5 Easy Ways To Improve Your Home

When the new year rolls around, we make resolutions (some more successful than others) to lose weight, save money, and get healthier. But what about your home? You can also make plans to elevate, update, or brighten up your space. There are lots of easy ways to improve your home, so let us show you how to make it happen in 2025!

We’ve got 5 simple (and easy-to-keep) resolutions to help you give every room in your home a boost for 2025, whether you need some serious organization, a new cleaning routine, or ways to welcome guests into your home. Because we all know that a healthy and happy home equals a happy and healthy YOU, so why not treat your space with the same care you do for yourself? And if you live with a partner, roommate, spouse or kids, share your home goals with them and work towards achieving them together.




ways to improve your home


The easiest way to give your space a fresh start for 2025? Get clean! Schedule a small cleaning every day for 10 minutes instead of spending a whole day tidying up. Try focusing on one specific task daily- whether it’s vacuuming, dusting, or cleaning surfaces. You’ll end up saving time, and energy, so you can focus on other things (like reading this blog and keeping all your other resolutions!)




Keep all of your cleaning supplies in a portable container that you can move with you to each room as you clean.

ways to improve your home


If one of your personal resolutions is to be healthier this year, try including your home too. Adding an air purifier is the easiest way to effectively remove dust, allergens, and other nasty particles from the air. Or use an aromatherapy diffuser to bring a beneficial oil into a space. (We like eucalyptus which helps with respiratory health and is a natural decongestant.)



Start the new year by cleaning all your filters and vents of the dust that has built up. Your lungs will thank you!



ways to improve your home


Organizing your closet, drawers, or kitchen cabinets can be a dreaded activity. So to make things easier in the new year, try simplifying as much as you can. Group all like items together (that goes for socks, soup, or sandals) and in locations that make sense (everyday items on low, easy-to-access shelves). Placing items in clear containers will keep them together and help simplify your search when you look for them.




Before implementing any new storage, go through your existing items and remove or donate anything broken or no longer used. That means it’s time to tackle that Tupperware drawer. Take it all out and if it’s broken, mismatched, or discolored then toss or donate it. Anything that stays should have a lid that fits and can stack neatly.

ways to improve your home

4. resolve to rearrange

If you’re looking for an update for the new year (that won’t cost you a penny), you can rearrange your existing furniture or accessories to give your room a brand-new feel. Swap a chair in your living room for one in your office or bedroom, or move books and decorative accessories from your coffee table to your bookshelves. It will keep things fresh, and you can rearrange throughout the year whenever you feel like a little update.



When arranging a bookcase, don’t go from tall to short, instead mix up the heights to create an organic flow across the shelf. And to mix it up stack a few books up horizontally in between the vertical books and then use it as a place to display a small vase or accessory.



ways to improve your home


Everyone loves entertaining through the holidays, and for good reason. So in 2025 let your home become a bigger part of your social life by opening it up to your friends and family. Adding a few small touches, like some fresh flowers, an ottoman for extra seating, and a small bar set up will prepare you for any guests that may stop by. While you’re at it, upgrade your bathroom with plush hand towels and a scented candle. Your guests will notice the extra details (plus you’ll be able to reap the benefits too!)




For a simple makeshift bar, fill a large tray with a few bottles of your favorite liquor, a bottle of club soda, some cocktail glasses, and a bottle opener. Those are all the essentials you’ll need!


  1. Excellent!! I love your work and your elegant taste. I plan to follow your tips and make my house a home again. It was hard since the passing away of my youngest son but now I am determined to do so and I spired by you! Many blessings to you and your family. From Argentina with love

  2. Bobby,
    Love reading your tips. Help me a lot to reorganize my home. And by the way, I admire you so much in queer eye. You have done an awesome job. I salute you, Bobby.

  3. Bobby,
    Thanks so much for the suggestions. Every time, I watch Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, I am impressed by your designs, colors and accessories. You never disappoint! Do you have any recommendations for selecting paint colors? We need help in the area. Thank you, take safe and healthy.

    1. For paint, I always start with the room itself. What does the light look like and how does it change throughout the day? Then think about how you want the space to feel, whether it’s light and bright, relaxing or dark and moody. I would select a few colors and paint a sample in a few spots in the room. You can then see how it looks at different times of day and with your furniture, etc. Hope that helps! xx -B