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How To Keep Strawberries Fresh Longer (And Easily Remove Tops)

Summer is perhaps the most bountiful season when it comes to produce. Farms are harvesting all the delicious fresh fruits and vibrant veggies – including our personal fave: Strawberries. Nothing quite compares to the sweet, succulent, and mouth-watering red berry. Which is why we want to keep strawberries fresh even longer. So let’s show you how it’s done – along with tips for reviving wilted strawberries and easily removing the stems.




For more food tips, check out The A-Z Guide To Properly Storing Food In Your Fridge and Clever Kitchen Hacks To Save You Time (And Save Your Greens)


how to

Keep Strawberries Fresh

The downside of strawberries is that they can get mushy and model quite quickly. But there is a simple tip to help prevent this from happening. As soon as you bring your berries home, remove them from their container (but don’t wash or cut them) and place them in a single layer on a baking sheet or plate lined with a paper towel. The single layer will prevent the berries from being crushed, and any potential mold from spreading easily, while the paper towel absorbs any water or moisture that could also make them mushy. Be sure to also keep them nice and cold in the fridge until you are ready to eat! 


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Remove Strawberry Stems

Removing the top of a strawberry usually involves slicing it off with a knife – and losing part of the berry too. But there’s a simpler method for removal that won’t sacrifice part of the fruit. Just grab a straw (we find a reusable metal option works best) and pierce the bottom of the berry, pushing the straw the whole way through and out the top. The stem will simply pop right off, leaving behind a delicious whole berry!

how to

Revive Wilted Strawberries

If you bring home a bunch of strawberries only to discover a few have started to get mushy, don’t ditch them! There’s a hack for giving new life to berries that may be on their way out. Try placing them in a bowl of ice water for about 20 minutes (and be sure to rotate the berries halfway through). The icy jolt can help to brighten and firm the berry, and make them enjoyable instead of disposable!


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